Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Lady in Waiting

Christmas is right around the corner, and even before that, we will all be graced with Tori's new Christmas album, Midwinter Graces, debuting on November 11th. Since attending my first Tori concert in 1998, the non-stop dissection of her lyrics and the raw alarm of her voice has kept me waiting. Album after album, she never disappoints, and this season will prove the Goddess of self-discovery can sing holy and highly. I, for one, am super excited about this one, and if you've never heard of Tori, I suggest you google her NOW.


1. What Child, Nowell

2. Star of Wonder

3. A Silent Night with You

4. Candle: Coventry Carol

5. Holy, Ivy, and Rose

6. Harps of Gold

7. Snow Angel

8. Jeanette, Isabella

9. Pink and Glitter

10. Emmanuel

11. Winter’s Carol

12. Our New Year

So can you say Amazon pre-order?

1 comment:

agirlinwinter said...

Hey, thanks for blogging about this album. I'm a long time Tori fan, but this one had passed me by. I'm listening to it on Spotify as I type and it's stunning.